At least 10 reasons why elections are needed immediately, everything else with SDS and DUI in power is a waste of time for Macedonia, says opposition


The wrong and devastating policy of SDS and DUI at this moment only leads to elections. And, for elections, in addition to the reality that confirmed that they do not have a majority for constitutional amendments, there are countless more reasons, VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Marija Miteva said at a press conference on Monday.

“Another day for SDS and DUI in power will mean the continuation of: 1. Destroyed education – for the third year in a row we have no textbooks, 2. Devastated economy – inflation that cannot be sustained, 3. Catastrophic health system – through which lives are lost, 4. Security – we have become a country in which criminals are free and the innocent are convicted, 5. Protests have become everyday – proof that discontent exists at all levels, 6. The number of people leaving the country is continuously increasing, 7. Farmers are forgotten, 8. The business sector is on the verge of collapse, companies are closing, 9. There is no infrastructural development, for 7 years – they cannot finish a 2km highway, 10. Rule of law in Macedonia does not exist – crime and corruption rule,” said Miteva.

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