Aggeler: it’s not for me to talk about the constitutional amendments process, I encourage the citizens to let the politicians know they want to be a part of the EU


I believe the prosperity and security of this country lie in its accession and integration within the European Union and I sincerely hope that the politicians from all political parties in the country will work towards that, said the United States Ambassador to North Macedonia, Angela Aggeler, on Tuesday.
“I really think it isn’t for me to talk about how the process of constitutional amendments is unfolding. I am the US Ambassador. We are not a part of the European Union, but when I see the border and the numerous vehicles entering and exiting, I believe the prosperity and security of this country lie in its accession and integration in Europe and I sincerely hope that the politicians from all political parties in the country will work towards that. The border with Greece reminds us of the difficult decisions that this country has already done, I know that this is difficult too, but I encourage the citizens to let their politicians know that they want to be a part of the EU,” said Aggeler after her visit Tuesday to the Bogorodica border crossing with Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski.

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