Citizens announce a protest in front of the Government on Monday- Together let’s express our rage against the crime of Oncology


Monday starting at 6 p.m., a non-partisan initiative calls for a protest in front of the Government, where, as it states, anger and revolt against the crime that has been tolerated for years at the Oncology Clinic will be expressed together.

The protest will state in front of the Government and will continue in front of the Ministry of Health, where resignation and responsibility will be demanded from all ministers of health.

“The brutality of the government brings new victims every day, and this time the victims are the patients of the Oncology Clinic who waited for months in a life-threatening condition for medicines, while the medicines ended up on the black market in Kosovo. It is about organized crime where the highest government officials are involved and it has been going on for years. The scandal with the theft of Oncology drugs must not go unpunished and once again only the cable is to blame! We do not accept responsibility from the lowest echelon in Oncology – we demand criminal responsibility for government officials!”, reads the announcement.

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