SDSM: There will be accountability for all involved in the Oncology case


There will be accountability throughout the entire period for everyone involved in the Oncology Clinic case, no one will be protected and no one will be spared, regardless of political or ethnic affiliation, SDSM said on Wednesday.

“The institutions are working with the aim of clearing up this terrible case and holding accountable everyone that was involved.

The Ministry of Interior and the Prosecutor’s Office undertake investigative actions, which are carried out in the most professional manner in order to identify persons who have violated the law and ethical and moral principles.

After 20 years of rumors, for the first time the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor’s Office entered oncology and carried out an action to collect extensive evidentiary material in connection with publicly presented accusations and suspicions by citizens, media, and patients,” reads the SDSM press release.

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