SDS and DUI yesterday voted for amnesty for their crimes, Levica did not vote against, it helped them as always, says Panova


SDS and DUI yesterday voted for amnesty for their crimes, Levica did not vote against, it helped them as always, MP from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE Eli Panova said on Thursday.

SDS and DUI yesterday voted for amnesty for all crimes committed in the past 6 years. Amendments to the Criminal Law delete paragraph 5 of Article 353, which sanctions the abuse of official position and powers during public procurement or to the detriment of the Budget and public funds, for which a penalty of at least 5 years of imprisonment was provided for, the maximum prison sentence for criminal association is reduced from 10 to 3 years, and the extended confiscation of illegally acquired “property is abolished.

These legal amendments are for the abolition of all ministers and directors of SDS and DUI from 2017 up until now, for all tenders and procurements in MEC Bitola, ELEM, M-NAV, Ministry of the Interior, literally for all those who were executors and pumped budget money in millions amounts. SDS and DUI are preparing for opposition, they know that they will not have the prosecutor’s office and the courts under their control when the government changes, and thus they cannot put pressure on not bringing charges and being convicted, and that is exactly why they reduce the sentences,” Panova pointed out.



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