Janevska demands responsibility from the MES for the worksheets for students in which heterosexuality is compared to mental disorder


This madness produced by state institutions in education has crossed all borders. I am talking about worksheets for students in the subject Life Skills Education, reacted Prof. Dr. Vesna Janevska via the social media on Thursday.

“Dear parents and teachers,

This madness produced by state institutions in education has crossed all borders. I am talking about Worksheets for students in the subject Life Skills Education. In these worksheets, a complete moron asks:

• If heterosexuality is normal, then why are so many heterosexuals with mental disorders?

• The largest number of persons who abuse children are heterosexual. Do you think it is safe to send your child to a school where most of the teachers are heterosexual?

It calls on the entire professional public, psychologists, pedagogues, sociologists IMMEDIATELY, URGENTLY, IMMEDIATELY, to distance themselves and react to the gross manipulation of minor children, propaganda and insults towards the majority sexual orientation. This is not illiteracy and ignorance, for THIS THERE IS A BASIS FOR RESPONSIBILITY.

And no one should dare to call me a homophobe, no, I am not a homophobe, but because of what is being done, there are more and more homophobes. Knock your head, see what you do. MINOR CHILDREN ARE IN QUESTION!

Did Shaqiri approve of this? Educational Development Bureau what are you doing? Are there psychologists in the Educational Development Bureau?

I don’t know what is going on, but there will be responsibility for child abuse,” said Janevska in her Facebook post.

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