We did not receive a credible denial that in Macedonia citizens are not monitored with malicious software, claims VMRO-DPMNE


The materials with the prepared information from several state services and agencies on the presence and use of the Predator and Pegasus spy software were distributed to the members of the Parliament Oversight Committee under a “Strictly Confidential” label, Aleksandar Nikoloski from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE said after the session that he could not share details because of the “Strictly Confidential” label, but he had two fears and indications.

“The first is that this kind of used software was produced, for which the institutions have no answer as to where it was sold. And secondly – the monitoring of citizens’ communications at home. We have not received a credible denial that citizens are not being monitored with malicious software in Macedonia,” said Nikoloski.

The opposition official says that it is a powerful software, which through smart TV receivers can receive audio recordings from home, and more sophisticated TV receivers can also serve to monitor citizens through video. Nikoloski expressed, as he said, “a serious suspicion that as politicians they are also being physically monitored.”

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