Law doesn’t rule in Macedonia, but the mafia, crime and corruption, which are the Government’s main priority


Law does not rule in Macedonia, but the mafia. Crime and corruption are the main priority of the Government. And that alone works perfectly in the whole country. There is a case where the family of the leader of the ruling party acquired a share worth millions in a shopping center, without investing a penny. This is not found anywhere in Europe, said VMRO-DPMNE in a press release on Friday.

“Only in Macedonia the Government grants state land for one euro to the company in which the Prime Minister’s family has a stake. There is a case of purchasing licensed software for 40 million euros from a company of a colleague of the prime minister for three years. And that is not found anywhere in Europe. The Eurovia company, a donor to the DUI party, receives lucrative multimillion-dollar tenders from the state and engages in the construction of roads that will be paid for with public money. This is also not found anywhere in Europe,” the largest opposition party pointed out.


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