survey: The Government is unable to solve the current problems of the citizens


Regarding current issues, such as the scandal at the Oncology Clinic, problems with lack of textbooks, changes in the Criminal Code, constitutional changes, etc., Macedonian citizens have no confidence in how the Government solves these issues. These are part of the results of the telephone survey conducted on 1,200 respondents by the Market Vision agency from September 18 to 25, and by order of the editorial office of

Over 60% of the respondents believe that the competent authorities are not conducting the investigation of the case in the Oncology Clinic in a professional and responsible manner.

More than half of the respondents (60%) believe that the lack of textbooks in schools is due to the irresponsibility of the competent institutions.

Almost half of the respondents (49%) believe that the changes in the Criminal Code were made in order to minimize the punishments for politicians from the current government in connection with existing or future possible charges.

Two thirds of the respondents do not approve of the frequent changes in the Constitution and do not justify the way in which the constitutional amendment was made to change the name of Macedonia.

Almost the same number of respondents (65%) believes that every constitutional amendment should be decided through a referendum.

The survey was conducted from September 18 to 25, 2023 using the CATI method – telephone survey with the help of a computer on a sample of 1,200 respondents with a confidence interval of 95% and a margin of error of +-3%.

The sample is representative at the level of Macedonia according to: region, gender, age and ethnicity according to the data on the resident population from the 2021 census.

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