The PSSE will pass a Resolution on wiretapping, if the Government doesn’t respect the decision, then the future VMRO-DPMNE government will implement it and demand accountability


Regarding the problem of monitoring and eavesdropping, it is something that has existed in Macedonia for a long time, several governments have fallen due to wiretapping, but this government came exactly on that wave, said VMRO-DPMNE deputy leader and a member of the Macedonian Parliament Aleksandar Nikoloski on Sunday’s debate organized by the party called “Fighting crime and corruption, a fundamental European value” within the “It’s important! Changes depend on you” in Struga.

Nikoloski stressed that although it was promised by SDSM that it would stop the practice of wiretapping, they did not stop, but that the method of wiretapping has gone to a more sophisticated way of monitoring communication, that is, as he said, if only regular telephone communication and regular SMS messages are now being used with some so-called malicious software that directly enters the device of the person who is supposed to be followed.

“It was promised that they would stop this practice and this practice will stop. But instead of stopping it has gone to a more sophisticated way of monitoring communication. If in the past only regular telephone communication and regular SMS messages were monitored, now it is done with some so-called malicious software that directly enters the device of the one who needs to be monitored,” Nikoloski pointed out.


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