DUI and SDSM increased their debt by almost EUR 2.5 billion in 6 years in order to have more funds for rigged tenders


The economic policies of the Government of SDSM and DUI or DUI and SDSM led Macedonia to the abyss. They do not feel any patriotic affiliation and duty towards the country and continuously lead it into an abyss and abyss in the way they work. The galloping debt reached 8.3 billion euros, which represents practically 58 percent of the GDP, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski, during his visit to the municipality of Zelenikovo on Thursday.
Mickoski explained why all this happened in the past years during the SDSM and DUI rule.
“During these six years, the government led by DUI and SDSM has increased the debt by almost 2.5 billion euros in order to have more funds for rigged tenders, tenders that are then negotiated in private, or in other words, there is a well-founded suspicion of historical political robbery by on the side of political criminals who have been leading the government for 6 years,” Mickoski added.

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