Mickoski thinks that the Macedonian national anthem should be played in all schools nationwide


All citizens should show respect to one of the basic symbols of the country in which they were born, which enabled themto get an education, to form a family and where they live, said the leader of VMRO – DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski, asked whether in all municipalities where the mayors are from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE, the Macedonian anthem will be played. He said that he would not partisan this issue and believes that this should be a practice not only in the municipalities, where the mayors are from the ranks of VMRO-DPMNE.

“I think this should be a policy, which will be centralized. The Ministry of Education should implement it, and I think that the entire territory of the country should have this way of showing respect for the country, in which we all live and work,” added Mickoski.

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