Bekteshi warned markets not to cover up certain charges, and inflation would be halved in October


Inflation in the food sector for the month of October will be below 2%, and the total inflation in the country will be halved, said Macedonian Minister of Economy Kreshnik Bekteshi.

“According to my initial data for the month of October, which will be published by the State Statistics Office next week, the inflation in the food sector will be below 2%, and the total inflation in the country will be halved compared to the previous month, and this is as a result of the measures that adopted by the Government, especially the Ministry of Economy,” said Minister Bekteshi in an interview with TV Sitel’s “Topic of the day”.

“We have reports from distributors and manufacturers that they are being asked to cover up certain charges such as handling, advertising, marketing, etc., I tell the supermarkets not to do that, because they know the Consumer Law. Let’s not put ourselves in a situation where some of the big supermarket chains are closed. But this time it will not last only 5 days, this time it will last 30 days,” Economy Minister Bekteshi said.

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