Journalists’ associations: NO to government campaigns in the media and abuse of the EU flag in Parliament


Professional journalist associations and civil society organizations from the media sector are categorically opposed to the recent attempts to restore state advertising in the media.

In the joint statement, it is pointed out that such a position comes from the expert assessment that the proposed changes will be extremely harmful for media pluralism, the independence of the media and the freedom of journalists and media workers in Macedonia.

The decision, we believe, will further strengthen the corrupt and clientelistic culture in the media system and, as such, will harm the public interest and good governance. At the same time, we express concern about the way in which the parliamentary procedure was abused to adopt the amendments to the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services (AAMS) after a shortened procedure. The use of the so-called EU flag fast-track procedure instrument is, in our opinion, impermissible in this case, because the proposed changes have no connection with the necessary reforms that should lead to the coordination of the media laws of the country with the regulations of the European Union,” said the journalists’ associations.


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