Shukova: We’re still waiting for the laboratory analyzes of the waste in the Orman landfill, monetary and criminal charges against the violators


Macedonian Minister of Environment and Spatial Planning, Kaja Shukova, informs that the ministry is still waiting for the laboratory analyzes of the waste in the landfill in Orman and that she expects them to be ready by Monday at the latest. She says that in this case, fines will be imposed and, most likely, criminal charges will be imposed on the violators. Shukova points out that the process is already going in that direction.

“We are still waiting for the laboratory analyses, unfortunately. Every day we are in contact with the laboratory, together with the State Environmental Inspectorate. They promised that we will have them by Monday at the latest. We have determined that there are illegal actions there. Slag was brought from Probishtip to Skopje and the person who committed the offense will first clean up the place, and will also pay for the offense. We will not allow the same activity to happen again in the future, not only in Skopje, but also at the location from where the slag comes. We know exactly what it is about, what activities there were, we are just waiting for what type of waste it is, said the minister at a  press conference on Saturday for the start of this year’s afforestation campaign – Reforesting Together 2023.


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