Customs officers seize undeclared watches, silver jewelry, clothing worth MKD 500 thousand


Customs agents at the Tabanovce, Bogorodica and Blace border crossings over the past weekend seized undeclared goods worth MKD 500,000, including 33 watches, 2.7 kg of silver jewelry, and 160 pieces of clothing, the Customs Administration said in a press release Tuesday.

“About 2.7 kilograms of silver jewelry, 33 watches, as well as 160 pieces of clothing with a total value of over half a million denars were seized by mobile teams of the Department for Control and Investigations in three entry controls at the border crossings Bogorodica, Blace and Tabanovce during the past weekend. With these actions, an attempt to smuggle and avoid payment of customs duties of about 150 thousand denars was prevented,” the Customs Administration informed.

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