Macedonia is the only one in the region without the possibility of a constitutional appeal

Architect : Richard Rogers Partnership

The absence of a constitutional appeal denies citizens the opportunity to initiate proceedings before the Constitutional Court for the violation of many rights and freedoms such as pollution, wiretapping, violation of the right to inheritance, motherhood, property, etc.
If Macedonia introduces the constitutional complaint, the citizens will be obliged to file a complaint before the Constitutional Court before complaining to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Above all, this will mean avoiding long proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights, as well as saving money.
Macedonia, just like the other five Yugoslav states, shared the same political system and after the formation of independent states, they faced the challenges of establishing independent bodies and institutions with a strict separation of powers.
But we did not all give the same answer to the needs of the citizens to exercise their constitutionally guaranteed rights. Considering the experience in the region, Macedonia remained alone precisely on the constitutional appeal issue.

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