Mickoski stresses: Abolition of caretaker government and DUI in opposition


Up to this moment, there is no official confirmation of the election date, nor is there any confirmation whether the elections would be joint or separate. We heard that the elections would be regular in May, we heard that the elections would be held jointly, says VMRO-DPMNE leader HristijanMickoski in an interview with Voice of America -VOA.

When asked which Albanian party he will form a coalition with and what happens to the so-called May agreement, Mickoski emphasized that the coalition agreement, winner with winner is no longer valid, because DUI violated it, and that a chance for a coalition should be given to the Albanian opposition, indicating that it is healthy and beneficial for a DUI to spend a period in opposition.

The opposition leader also indicated that they were ready to intervene in the Law on Government and the Electoral Code and delete the section on caretaker government.

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