Janushev: Ultra scandal, the Government has acquired a system for monitoring citizens’ communications


What is happening in Macedonia is not mega, this is an ultra-scandal of the highest degree related to the monitoring of citizens’ communications, said VMRO-DPMNE  MP Igor Janushev on Saturday.

“Big Brother”, that is, the illegal monitoring and surveillance of communications is happening and 20 hours have passed since my claim and there is still no denial of these well-founded suspicions.

As I announced yesterday from the Parliament rostrum, the Government has procured a system for monitoring communications, through which they have the opportunity to access virtually all Internet traffic in the country, on any device, on any phone, on any operator, on any person – private or official, as well as the possibility of access to any device, that is, a phone with the so-called “malware”.

The Ministry of Interior has not issued such approval! And there is such a document signed by Spasovski, in which it is expressly claimed that the Ministry of Interior did not give approval! The Ministry of Interior did not carry out any control,” added the opposition MP.

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