Trajanov requests information from the MoI connected to the gruesome murders


At Monday’s session of the Commission for Defense and Security, MP and leader of the Democratic Union (DS) party, Pavle Trajanov, requested the Ministry of Interior to submit to the Parliament Information on the gruesome murders of Vanja Gjorchevska and Panche Zhezhovski, which will cover all aspects of their liquidation, including the activities and measures of the Ministry of Interior, as well as other security services.

“Despite all the appeals not to politicize these horrific events, we are daily faced with attempts by SDSM and Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski to relativize and shift the responsibility to other parties and individuals. Only through a comprehensive analysis can one arrive at the key assessments of the setting and operation of the system, prevention, system weaknesses, consequences of partisanship, tolerance of criminal and extreme behaviors, political protection of hate speech, unfounded attacks on dissidents, etc.,” said the DS party.

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