Emergency medical assistance needs 52 additional teams, Skopje needs 18 teams


The Center for Civil Communications published the research on the capacities of emergency medical assistance in the country.

According to the research, the country lacks a total of 52 teams for emergency medical assistance in order to be able to meet at least the legally prescribed minimum of teams that a medical center should have depending on the number of residents it covers.

“The most teams, 18 are missing in Skopje, while Bitola has 4 more than the minimum required. Even half of the 33 health centers have fewer teams than needed. Currently, there are a total of 258 emergency medical aid teams in the country, and instead of increasing, this number is decreasing every year,” the research shows.

Compared to 2015, when the last decree was passed, which stipulates the minimum number of teams that each health center should have, the number of emergency teams has decreased by 22.



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