Law does not recognize proposals for ministers with “vacancy”, says opposition


VMRO-DPMNE’s reaction to Dimitar Kovachevski’s statement that if VMRO-DPMNE does not vote for the caretaker government, the ministerial positions following it should remain empty:

“In order to act responsibly, VMRO-DPMNE accepted to participate in the caretaker government, without voting for the caretaker Prime Minister Xhaferi from the ranks of DUI. VMRO-DPMNE stands firmly on its position, and the names for ministers and deputies, according to the law, will be proposed next week.

It is up to the Government whether it will choose to respect the law, or break it, which only reveals the background intentions of jeopardizing the election process, which is proof of the huge amount of nervousness among the outgoing government.

The law does not recognize proposals for ministers with “vacancy”, as Kovachevski stated,” said the largest opposition party.


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