Micevski: The Nova Alternativa party is a government project


The public does not know about any project or initiative that originated in the past years from the New Alternative party, and it is a project implemented by Mile Zechevikj as the general secretary of the ruling SDSM, which will promote persons and individuals who plan to work against VMRO-DPMNE and to suppress of the opposition’s capacity in the country, stressed the coordinator of the VMRO-DPMNE MP group Nikola Micevski in an interview with TV 21.

The VMRO-DPMNE MP added that this confirmed the claims of the existence of a coalition between Skopje Mayor Danela Arsovska, the ruling SDSM and DUI, as well as the opposition radical party Levica.

“The picture we saw from yesterday’s promotion says it all, that is, what was secretly conspired and talked about, the existence of the coalition between Danela Arsovska, SDS, Levica and DUI, is being publicly presented to the citizens,” Micevski said.

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