PPO: Four people detained involved in the Oncology Clinic scandal


Searches have been carried out at three locations and four people have been detained in relation to the Oncology Clinic scandal, said the Public Prosecutor’s Office (PPO) on Tuesday, adding that the Skopje-based Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office is resuming activities related to the case. More information will be shared with the public as soon as conditions exist, said the PPO.

Among the detained is the former director of the Clinic for Oncology and Radiotherapy, and the others were employees, one of whom is a nurse, as the director of the Clinic, Violeta Klisarova, and organizational director, Halid Matoshi, confirmed the PPO earlier in a statement to the media.

The Prosecutor’s Office indicated that the Clinic is functioning normally and all scheduled examinations and therapies are ongoing without problems. PPO emphasized that the authorities did not talk to them, but only indicated that they had a warrant for who should be detained.

At the beginning of September 2023, with a court order and based on the allegations presented in journalistic texts, searches were carried out at the Oncology Clinic and in two private apartments. In doing so, computers and documentation were confiscated, which were then given to analysis and expertise.

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