United States: We support Macedonia’s efforts to investigate corruption


We strongly support North Macedonia’s efforts to hold accountable those who abuse public trust for personal gain, U.S. Department of State’s spokesperson told Voice of America in Macedonian asked to comment on the Foreign Ministry’s initiative to also sanction at home the individuals and entities added to the U.S. “blacklist”.
“While we do not comment on pending legislation, we welcome and strongly support any and all efforts to investigate alleged corrupt criminal activity and hold accountable those who abuse public trust for personal gain,” the State Department told VOA.
According to the State Department, institutional and legal reforms that increase transparency and strengthen the fight against corruption would be welcomed not only by the international community, but also by all the citizens of North Macedonia.
Proposed amendments to the Law on Restrictive Measures would introduce U.S. and UK legal acts as a basis for local courts to order legal sanctions be levied against individuals and companies.

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