If you want to work in state administration, you must know the state language, says Andonovski


A public debate was required on the passing of the administration laws, but this was not allowed to the trade unions. The Law on Administrative Workers does not comply with EU requirements. The situation in the administration is a double bottom. There are no working conditions in the administration. Four ministers have changed in this ministry and each one has their own policy, so the employees are demotivated, and here is the other bottom that the citizens feel through the administrative services, says Deputy Minister of Information Society and Administration (MISA), Stefan Andonovski, in an interview with TV 24.
“Laws are passed with the so-called EU flag fast-track procedure and there is no room left for debate,” says Andonovski.
Andonovski says that this law is not the same as it was a few months ago.
“I am interested in how the civil servant exam can be taken in the Albanian language when the official language in the state administration is the Macedonian language. I am afraid that this law will eventually bring chaos,” says Andonovski.

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