DUI’s State Lottery spent EUR 12 million for gambling machines in just 2 weeks, says Stoilkovski


The State Lottery run by Artan Grubi’s servant Perparim Bajrami spent an incredible 12 million euros in January alone for terminals for organizing games of chance, 12 million euros for gambling machines, VMRO-DPMNE spokesperson Naum Stoilkovski said at a press conference on Tuesday.
Grubi’s ex-chief of staff, now director of the State Lottery, on January 4 spent over 6 million euros for gambling machines, on January 11 11 million and 200 thousand euros, on January 18 over 3.5 million euros for gambling machines, or in total 12 million euros from January 4 to January 18! In just two weeks, the lottery run by Grubi’s friend has spent 12 million euros for gambling devices,” Stoilkovski pointed out.
The opposition spokesperson added that “this is the result of the silence of the institutions, this is the result of the bowed head of the SDS, and that this is the result of the recklessness, irresponsibility, imagined inviolability of Artan Grubi and DUI. We have been warning for half a year about huge scandals related to the State Lottery, Perparim Bajrami, the Lottery Management Board, and the involvement of Artan Grubi and the DUI in it”.

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