PPO must open an investigation on Drin Ahmeti for the grants worth MKD 6 million, says opposition


VMRO-DPMNE official Igor Janushev requested at a press conference on Thursday that the Public Prosecutor’s Office (PPO) open an investigation into the millions of sums received from the Innovation Fund by the companies of Drin Ahmeti, the nephew of the DUI leader, Ali Ahmeti.

“State funds, such as grants or state aid, instead of citizens and companies through a fair procedure, end up with companies of families at the top of the government. Five million, out of a total of 6 million denars of state money for FITD grants, ended up with two companies owned by Drin Ahmeti, Ali Ahmeti’s nephew, the famous talented businessman who took over Soravia without an investing a dime.

“Tor Industries, a company fully owned by Drin Ahmeti, received around 32,000 euros for the “3D modeling and scanning of infrastructure design” project, and his second company, Everest JD, received 50,000 euros for the “Data management Efficiency System” project. A total of 82,000 euros from FITD managed by DUI staff – Festim Halili, for the nephew of his party leader,” Janushev said.

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