The distribution of funds for the municipalities will be done according to the number of inhabitants and economic performance, regardless of to which party the mayor belongs


There is a phenomenon in Macedonia, which is that if the central and local authorities are not from the same political party, cooperation is difficult. We would like to finally overcome that, because in the end it is about the same people all over the country, pointed out VMRO-DPMNE deputy leader Aleksandar Nikoloski, about the distribution of funds after the formation of the new government during his visit to Prilep on Sunday.

He added that the distribution of funds for the municipalities will be based on the number of inhabitants and economic performance, and not according to which political party the mayor belongs.

“If there is a SDSM mayor in the municipality of Strumica, of course funds will go there as well as in Prilep. I think the time has come in Macedonia to stop talking about basic infrastructure projects and talk about more advanced visions, about concepts for the future to catch up with the developed world,” Nikoloski said.

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