Ten members of a criminal group arrested on Saturday


On Saturday (02.03.2024), the Department for Suppression of Organized and Serious Crime – Criminal Investigations Department – Illicit Drug Trafficking Unit at the Bureau of Public Security, conducted a coordinated police operation with the aim of suppressing an organized criminal group that operated in several locations on the territory of R. N. Macedonia. The group was involved in the organization, procurement, sale and marketing of marijuana.
Since October 2023, when the action began, several operational-tactical measures and activities have been undertaken to suppress the group. On Saturday, the police officers arrested 10 people, of which four from Gevgelija, three from Strumica, two from Struga and one person from Demir Kapija. At the same time, searches were carried out at four locations in Strumica, Struga, Gevgelija and Bitola, and material evidence was secured, i.e. money and a large amount of narcotic drugs originating from a legal entity registered to carry out the activity of growing spicy, aromatic and medicinal plants intended for medical purposes, reads the press release.

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