Toshkovski: Internal control determined that an error was made with the personal documents issuance during Bojmacalijev’s time in office


Regarding the alleged omissions in the issuance of ready-made personal documents, about which in the past period the additional deputy minister Mitko Bojmacalijev spoke in the media, I inform the public that the Department for Internal Control, Criminal Investigations and Professional Standards, at his request, also carried out checks on the same a report was drawn up in which the factual situation was ascertained, i.e. it was determined that the specific omission was made at a time when Bojmacalijev was performing work duties in the position of chief of staff of the former Minister of Interior.
“The checks show that the omission that refers to a case where a citizen who took a picture on 16.12.2023 for two months he could not pick up his travel document, it happened on 05.01.2024. when the travel document in question was submitted to OUR-Skopje and it was placed in the row with a different alphabetic letter than the letter of the bearer of the initials of the specific person, i.e. instead of in the row with the alphabetic letter “P”, it was placed in the row of the alphabetic letter ” R”, which was confirmed on 03.05.2024. when the travel document was finally found. For those reasons, for two months, the person failed to pick up the travel document, which was produced within the legally stipulated period,” Interior Minister Panche Toshkovski pointed out.

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