DS: Decision was made to continue talks on joint participation with VMRO-DPMNE in elections


The Democratic Union (DS) is an authentic political party that is recognizable by its political views and firmly determined for democracy, the rule of law and overall development and prosperity of Macedonia, as a sovereign and modern European state, reads the statement from the session of the Central Council of party and furthermore points out that a decision was made authorizing the party’s leader PavleTrajanov to continue the talks on joint participation with VMRO-DPMNE in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

“The European integration processes are the “engine” that moves Macedonia forward and we are firmly determined for reforms that will open the doors to full membership in the EU… Macedonia must also continue with defense reforms in accordance with NATO standards and consistently meet them its obligations as a member of NATO…Foreign policy should be a function of our strategic and national interests and aligned with the policies of the EU and strategic partners,” are some of the conclusions reached at the session.

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