Criminal charges filed against Furkan Saliu after the football match incident- he may also receive a prison sentence of up to 3 years


Journalist Furkan Saliu earned criminal charges after the incident at the football match in the village of Sredno Konjare when he was detained and caught with a gun in his car, reports.
The criminal charges are against him and another person N.J. for the committed crime of “obstructing an official in the performance of an official act”. Article 382 of the Criminal Code provides for a fine or imprisonment of up to 3 years for this offense.
Saliu says that he is sure that the investigative authorities will not be able to prove the crime, but it is possible that the work of his media outlet PortalX will be disabled.
“A search of the PortalX premises and my residence will likely be required. I don’t believe they can prove the crime, but most likely the work of PortalX will be disabled for a certain period. We call on all relevant institutions, international organizations to pay close attention to how the whole situation will unfold,” Saliu said.

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