Christ’s resurrection is the meaning of our entire existence! It is the pivot around which our whole life takes place and the foundation stone on which all our feat of faith, hope and love in God is built. The mystery of Christ’s resurrection transforms and embodies our overall view of the world and man, of time and eternity. Because this saving event is the greatest truth that was announced to the human race and this Secret of Secrets is the most joyful good news with which the final victory of life over death, of good over evil and of love over hatred was loudly announced, said Macedonian Archbishop HH Stefan in this year’s Easter message.
“Let’s wake up and unite as a nation as quickly as possible, and prayerfully come to God and to the protector of our most holy autocephalous Ohrid and Macedonian Church – to Saint Kliment Ohridski, then, following the example of our ancestors, let’s fight with all the difficulties we face every day. But we will achieve all this only if we strengthen our unity, harmony and cohesion, that is, only if we permanently overcome internal disagreements and mutual divisions and disagreements,” said Archbishop Stefan.