European Front coalition threatens – Don’t play with Albanians, this has consequences to stability!


The DUI central leadership gathered at the headquarters in Mala Rechica to discuss the latest political developments in the country created after the May 8 elections.
DUI as the leader of the European Front coalition, in consultation with all the other parties that make up this coalition, are coordinating the future activities that they will undertake in the coming days.
According to TV21 sources, the leaders will send a serious message and warning to VMRO-DPMNE not to play with the Albanians and not to underestimate the will of the majority of Albanians as the second largest community in the country.
TV21 sources said that at the meeting it was mentioned that the European Front will fanatically defend the legitimacy of the Albanians in the country, otherwise the need for political organization of the Albanians in Macedonia will be lost.
They added that with this policy VMRO DPMNE is trying in the future to make the Albanians line up behind the Macedonian political parties, VMRO and SDSM, and thus to lose the need for political organization among the Albanians.

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