Prespa Agreement is not violated by using Macedonia and Macedonian, claims Mickoski


I expect it to be the way of President Siljanovska’s behavior to use the words Macedonia and Macedonian, because in that way, according to our interpretation of the Prespa Agreement, we do not have a violation of the Prespa Agreement. I would like to use this opportunity to send a message to our friends from Greece – let’s stop with threats, obstructions, with going backwards, let’s look to the future, these are documents that are part of the law. If they think that we have violated the Agreement, then there is the International Court of Justice, so we will cross the arguments there. I would not like that to happen, I call for friendly relations, to help each other. And if anyone expects VMRO-DPMNE to repeat the mistakes of the past, be sure that we will not do that, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski pointed out, asked before the Macedonia 2025 Summit regarding the solemn oath of the president Siljanovska-Davkova who did not use the term “North”.

“We expect good neighborly relations and I expect to meet the Greek Prime Minister soon and discuss cooperation in tourism, economy, education and so on,” Mickoski said.

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