MANU and the Higher Education Accreditation Board will work to raise the quality of higher education


The president of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Academician Zhivko Popov and the president of the Board for Accreditation of Higher Education, Marjan Gjurovski held a working meeting where they discussed the situation in higher education and the establishment of joint cooperation in order to raise the quality and development of higher education in the country.

At the meeting, the need for internationalization of the Macedonian higher education system, strengthening of the standards and capacities of the higher education institutions with a special focus on study programs and the product they provide as graduates for the needs of society and the business community was ascertained.

“MANU and the Higher Education Accreditation Board are expected to sign a memorandum of cooperation for closer cooperation with joint scientific-research projects and organizing a joint scientific conference dedicated to the state, challenges and development of higher education,” informed the Board.

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