CMC: 1,408 rifles from the Balkan wars found in Bitola


The Crisis Management Center (CMC) informs that there were a total of 1,714 calls to the Single emergency number 112 in the CMC in the last 24 hours, of which 61.84% were “real” calls and 38.16% were for other needs to citizens that were not urgent.

The Regional CMC Bitola reports that near the former garrison in Bitola, during construction earthworks, 1,408 rifles from the past Balkan wars were found and they were picked up and stored safely by the SSO Bitola.

Citizens are warned that if they accidentally find firearms, bombs, grenades and similar unexploded ordnance (UXO) from past wars, do not take them or move them, but simply report the location and the sighting to 112 in the CMC, and then to the UXO authorities from the Crisis Management System will safely remove and neutralize them, according to standard operating procedures.

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