The non-functioning ORs threatened the backbone of healthcare, says Nikolov


With the non-functioning of the operating rooms (ORs) of the Surgery Clinics at the Mother Teresa center, the backbone of the healthcare system has been put to risk and the worst thing is that no measures are taken, this is already a situation and has been going on for half a month, said the president of the VMRO – DPMNE Health Committee Dr. Igor Nikolov in an interview with Alfa TV.

According to Nikolov, a plan should be drawn up to get out of this situation, because patients suffer the most from this.

“This only leads to an increase in the number of patients waiting for surgery. And what do those who are still in charge do, instead of working, they take care of the functions. Demiri does not know whether he will hold the office of minister or deputy, or what the deputy Health MinisterManoleva is doing and where she is,”Nikolov pointed out.

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