Mitsotakis: The Prespa Agreement and the name North Macedonia erga omnes was the precondition for the country to join NATO


The Prespa Agreement and the one name for all, North Macedonia erga omnes, was the basic precondition for North Macedonia to join NATO, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said in an interview for the Greek national broadcaster ERT, MIA’s Athens correspondent reports.
Mitsotakis said the country’s name was the reason it did not join NATO for so many years. He added that he would meet North Macedonia’s new Prime Minister for the first time at NATO’s 75th anniversary and it would be incomprehensible if the country’s new leadership was questioning the Prespa Agreement while attending the NATO summit.
Regarding his recent statement that Hristijan Mickoski could find himself in an uncomfortable position at the summit, Mitsotakis said it would happen “if he keeps saying the same thing he says”.

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