Philosophy as an elective subject in the fourth, fifth or sixth grade of the next academic year


Pupils in the fourth, fifth or sixth grade of the next school year will have the opportunity to choose Philosophy as a non-core elective subject. As the Philosophical Society of Macedonia informs, unlike the mandatory subject Philosophy for the fourth year of secondary education, the subject Philosophy for primary education will not be a study of the history of philosophy or an analysis of abstract philosophical ideas.
“Through concrete examples presented through stories, thought experiments and board games, through techniques based on the innovative approach of Philosophy with Children, students will discuss the eternal philosophical questions of justice, freedom, friendship, truth, beauty. The subject of Philosophy aims to nurture and develop the child’s wonder, curiosity, critical and creative opinion and imagination, based on the principle “there is no wrong answer”, without the child being led or forced to have views and attitudes that the child does not have,” reads the press release.

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