Andonovski: Amendments to the Law on Organization and Work of State Administration Bodies opens the door for reforms


Any question that concerns the passing of a law is a legitimate question and should be answered. First we should say that this reorganization of the ministries, that is the majority of the work that changes this law, was announced from the stands of VMRO-DPMNE about seven months ago. And where for the first time we started talking about the fact that we need to change the focus of the ministries, saidVMRO-DPMNE secretary for international cooperation Stefan Andonovski in a TV interview speaking about the changes to the Law on Organization and Work of State Administration Bodies.
“This law opens the door for reform. First we are deleting the inspectorates with this law and opening the door to reduce their number from the 28 that are currently on the EU recommendation as much as you have ministerial systems. And that means that if you have 20 ministries, then you should have 20 inspectorates and each one should be within the framework of the ministry, under the ministry’s cap,” Andonovski pointed out.
The second element is that we set a clear typology of what the state administration bodies are. In Macedonia, the word agency is used for a variety of possible institutions, from an agency that has an operational task to put into practice some legal authority to an agency that is a controller and has a regulatory mechanism, such as the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Services to an agency that is it is essentially a public institution, such as the ESA. Which means that with this law we clearly define the typologies of institutions that are currently functioning and which should function in compliance with this law,” added the VMRO-DPMNE official.

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