Parliament begins session on election of new government


The Parliament’s session on the election of the new government, proposed by PM-designate Hristijan Mickoski, is set to start at 11 am on Saturday.
After submitting to the Parliament a motion on the government’s composition and program on June 18, Mickoski said he expects the debate on the election of the government to end on Sunday by midnight, and the new government to start work on Monday.
The new government coalition will be comprised of VMRO-DPMNE, the Worth It coalition and the party ZNAM.
According to Mickoski, the new government coalition has four primary pillars.
“The first one is the most important – the fight against crime and corruption, the second pillar is improvement of the citizens’ standards entirely, the third one is acceleration of the EU integration process of Macedonia and the fourth is equal development,” said Mickoski.

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