Filipche should tell how he managed to buy Audi Q8 and build a Vodno hacienda with his wage?  


Venko Filipche should tell how he managed to buy Audi Q8 and build a Vodno hacienda with his wage. Whose is the Audi that Venko Filipche drives, and is it in his name or someone else’s, if it is in another name, who is the one who gave Filipche a car worth 250,000 euros to drive and with what motive, said VMRO-DPMNE MP and EC member Mile Lefkov.

“Is the luxurious Audi Q8 driven by Filipche a reward for one of the tens of millions of tenders and did the people suffer for seven years so that Filipche is now driving expensive cars?

Filipche should also tell how his family acquired the hacienda at Vodno and how much money was paid for it.

Filipche should say whether the winners of tenders in healthcare had to enter into deals with him or those close to him,” said Lefkov.

“The SCPC and the PPO should open investigations onto Filipche’s property, but also onto the one who uses it, and for whom there is a suspicion that it could be a hidden property,” added the MP.



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