Interest rate on the Hungary loan is twice as low as that of the SDSM/DUI Eurobond, says VMRO-DPMNE


The interest rate on the loan from Hungary to Macedonia provided by the government is twice lower than the one on the Eurobond provided by SDSM and DUI, VMRO-DPMNE responded to SDSM on the accusations that with the new loan the public debt will increase to 65 percent.

“Last year, the SDSM and DUI government provided a 500 million euro bond with an interest rate of 7%. The funds provided by Hungary have an interest rate of 3.25% or more than half less than that provided by the Government led by SDSM and DUI.’

“SDSM says it is concerned that the public debt will rise above 65 percent. The VMRO-DPMNE-led government has been in service for less than a month, which means that SDSM has publicly admitted that due to Zaev’s irresponsible and criminal rule, the lesser Zaev and SDSM neurosurgeon Venko Filipche have increased the debt to enormous limits. The difference is that now this money will be spent responsibly and honestly, instead of on dubious tenders ending up in their own pockets,” said VMRO-DPMNE in a press release.

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