Lefkov: Filipche should tell us what is his connection with the Panovski family and the Oncology case


Venko Filipche should tell us what is his connection with the Panovski family and the Oncology case. Venko Filipche should not hide and answer about the connection with Irina Panovska, Hematology director in his time and her father, owner of the wholesaler Dr. Panovski, VMRO-DPMNE MP and EC member Mile Lefkov told a press briefing on Friday.

“Filipche is the one who kept quiet about the tenders from daughter Panovska to her father. The millions poured from Hematology to Dr. Panovski’s bank account. Dr. Panovski is the wholesaler that made most of the purchases for the Oncology clinic, where we saw how cancer patients were robbed for the profit of a few,” said Lefkov.

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