Subsidies paid for wheat, barley, sunflower, beet and poppy, as well as for delivered fruit


Macedonian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Cvetan Tripunovski announced that the subsidies for measures 1.3 and 1.10 of the Program for 2023 have been paid. The funds, the minister informs, will be available to farmers as of Saturday.

A total of MKD 252,234,467 have been paid for measure 1.3 to 4,328 farmers for the achieved production of wheat, barley, sunflower, oil-bearing beet and poppy from the Program for 2023 and MKD 14,743,587 for measure 1.10 to 293 farmers for fruit delivered to domestic processors from the program for 2023.

“We will fix the chaos with subsidy payments, only with honest, responsible and dedicated work will we reach the goal, which is satisfied farmers,” Tripunovski added.


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