University quotas to be defined according to labor market needs as of next year


Starting next year, the quotas of higher education institutions will be defined based on the analysis of the labor market and data that we will receive from the Employment Agency and other institutions, said the Minister of Education and Science Vesna Janevska in an interview with Kanal 77 radio.

“This year, we did not have time to intervene in the competition, because it was already prepared by the previous management, and due to the short term, the new Government had to adopt it without the possibility of corrections. But the analysis has begun. Certain quotas must be reduced. For example, Macedonia does not need so many lawyers, but it needs teachers of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and we will stimulate young people with scholarships to choose the deficient occupations,” noted Janevska, stressing that the introduction of entrance exams is being considered all higher education institutions.


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