Ohrid Summer director awarded with the “Order of the Star of Italy”


President of the Republic of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, awarded the director of the Ohrid Summer festival Natasha Popovikj, with the ”Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy”. The award was given to her by the ambassador of Italy in the country, Andrea Silvestri, who on Saturday evening in the cathedral church “Saint Sofia” emphasized that this high recognition is for her exceptional contribution to the promotion of Italian culture on the stage of the Ohrid Summer festival.

“Since 2019, she has been the successful director of one of the most prestigious art festivals in the country, the international festival Ohrid Summer and an honorary delegate of the European Festival Association (EFA). I am sure that Natasha has earned the trust of the authorities and the respect of citizens, colleagues and friends, putting her professional skills at the service of her country, but also of the wider international community, carefully choosing the various artistic proposals that come from abroad,” said Ambassador Silvestri.


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