Operating permits of two gambling companies to be revoked – not paid a single fee paid


The Ministry of Finance requests that the work permits of 2 companies for organizing games of chance be revoked, Minister of Finance Gordana Dimitrieska-Kochoska informed at a press conference on Monday.
“The two companies have not paid any of the duties under several laws over a period of several years, which probably damaged the state. One of the companies was established in 2022 and since then has not paid anything even though it has obligations arising from the Law on Games of Chance from the laws on certain taxes, as well as contributions for employees,” said Dimitrieska-Kochoska.
“The Ministry of Finance initiated the procedure after it received from the Internal Revenue Service, as the supervisory authority for the organization of games of chance, the record of the performed external control over the operation of these companies,” added the Finance Minister.

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